The Gavioli family from Modena, Italy, was remarkably inventive in the field of mechanical musical instruments. The founder, Giacomo, was originally a wheelwright, but also made and restored (musical) clocks. His son Ludovico senior was a clockmaker and increasingly applied himself to self-playing automata and orchestrions. In 1852 Ludovico moved to Paris, where he started the barrel organ company "Gavioli et Cie" with son Anselmo. Anselmo invented the organ book in 1892. He was inspired by his brother Claude, who two years earlier had already invented a cardboard book for barrel organs. Organ books were cheaper and easier to make and change than music cylinders. This greatly expanded the repertoire possibilities. The business flourished. Anselmo's son - Ludovico junior - worked there from 1872 as an arranger. Due to financial problems, increasing competition and a number of dissatisfied customers, "Gavioli et Cie" eventually did not survive and in 1910 came into the hands of competitor "Limonaire Frères.
geheel width: 30 cm
geheel depth: 24 cm