TitleMusical Automaton Birdcage
Year ca. 1930
Object number0245
Object categorymechanical wind instruments
Object nameautomaton with slide whistle
DescriptionMechanische zangvogels werden in veel variaties gemaakt. De vogel in deze kooi is geen opgezette vogel, maar een metalen vogel beplakt met gekleurde echte veren. Het mechaniek speelt dankzij een veer met sleutelopwinding aan de onderzijde van de voet.
Accompanying textsLike other songbird automata, this model uses a slide whistle (piston whistle) to mimic the freely fluctuating pitch of birdsong. This is a different approach from the grid-like, diatonic scale-based programmes of most other surviving mechanical instruments.
One of the most important and well-known makers of singing bird automata was Blaise Bontems. However, Bontems was French and his automatons mostly used real birds. The maker of this piece is currently unknown, but 'Germany' is engraved on the underside of the base.
One of the most important and well-known makers of singing bird automata was Blaise Bontems. However, Bontems was French and his automatons mostly used real birds. The maker of this piece is currently unknown, but 'Germany' is engraved on the underside of the base.
geheel height: 30 cm
geheel width: 20 cm
geheel depth: 13 cm
vogel height: 3.5 cm
voet height: 7.5 cm
geheel width: 20 cm
geheel depth: 13 cm
vogel height: 3.5 cm
voet height: 7.5 cm
Digital references